
Bible Reading

Why is Bible Reading Important?

Like most things in life of any value, the Christian life also requires some effort on our part. The church fathers spoke of the “disciplines” of a daily walk of faith.  These disciplines included prayer, fasting, service, worship, fellowship, and Bible reading. Here are a few reasons we believe it is important for every follower of Jesus to cultivate this discipline.

To Know God’s Will and God’s Ways

People often ask, “How do I know God’s will?”  The answer to that question, at least in part, is to read God’s word. Most of what God wants us to know about living the Christian life is in His word. In His word, we come to understand how we are to relate to Him and to others.

To Spend Time With God

God’s word is not like any other book in the world. When we read it we are not only learning, but also interacting with the living God. Reading the Scriptures not only instructs us but also increases the intimacy we experience with Him. Regular Bible reading feeds our minds and our souls and helps us grow close to Him.

To Confront Temptation

When Jesus faced temptations, He quoted scripture to confront those temptations. The psalmist also spoke about the value of knowing God’s word to confront sin. In Psalm 119:11 we read, “Thy word have I hidden in my heart that I may not sin against thee.” Bible reading equips us to confront the enticing lies of Satan.

To Help Others in Times of Need

Scripture can be a great comfort to us and to others. When we know God’s word, we can use it to minister to the hurts and questions of those around us. It can be a comfort to those experiencing grief. It can be truth and direction to those who have lost their way. It can a friend to those who are lonely. It can be a reminder that there is forgiveness to those burdened by guilt. Knowing God’s word equips us to minister in most any situation.

Below you will find a few different resources and plans that we hope will help you deepen this discipline in your own life in 2023!

Reading Plans & Resources for 2023

If you’ve ever tried to read the entire Bible in a year and failed OR if you find yourself consistently reading Scripture and not understanding what you read then this is a GREAT resource! There are two reading plan options (download each below) plus there is a short, daily podcast to help you understand the context and meaning of what you’ve read.

If you’re daily Bible reading, this easy to use tool is a great way to start! This reading plan will take you through all 260 chapters of the New Testament, one chapter per day. The Gospels are read throughout the year to weave in the story of Christ all year long.

This plan will help you read from four different points in the Bible EACH DAY! It includes multiple days a month for catchup reading and it teaches a simple approach to both reading and understanding Scripture.

Get Weekly Encouragement for Your Spiritual Journey! Signup Below!


When they had read it, they rejoiced because of its encouragement. Acts 15:31(NASB)